Micro Clover Lawn: A Comprehensive Guide to Pros and Cons

When it comes to lawn alternatives, micro clover has been gaining popularity amongst homeowners and gardening enthusiasts. With its eco-friendly appeal and subtle beauty, it's no surprise that more and more people are considering a micro clover lawn for their outdoor spaces. However, like any other landscaping option, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. To help you make an informed decision, this comprehensive guide will delve into the pros and cons of a micro clover lawn.

What Is Micro Clover?

Before delving into the pros and cons, it’s essential to understand what micro clover (Trifolium repens var. Pirouette) is. Micro clover is a smaller version of the standard white clover and has been bred to have a low, compact growth habit, making it an ideal ground cover in lawns. It features tiny leaves and produces fewer flowers compared to its larger counterpart.

Pros of Micro Clover Lawns

Nitrogen-Fixing Properties

One of the biggest benefits of having a micro clover lawn is its ability to naturally fertilize the soil. As a legume, micro clover fixes nitrogen from the air into the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. This can lead to healthier soil and a reduction in the cost and environmental impact of lawn maintenance.

Drought Resistance

Micro clover is highly resistant to drought, which means that it remains green and plush even during dry spells, unlike traditional grass lawns that can turn brown and become dormant. This resilience reduces the need for frequent watering, saving you time and water.

Low Maintenance

Micro clover lawns require less mowing than traditional grass due to their slow growth habit. This not only saves energy and time but also reduces carbon emissions from lawn mowers. In addition, micro clover is relatively resistant to common lawn diseases, which translates to less maintenance and intervention.


The eco-friendly nature of micro clover is one of its major draws. With no need for chemical fertilizers and less water usage, micro clover is a sustainable choice that benefits the environment by promoting biodiversity and reducing runoff.

Attractive Appearance

A well-maintained micro clover lawn has a lush, green appearance that remains consistent throughout the growing season. The small leaves of micro clover create a dense carpet that can be quite appealing visually.

Insect Beneficial

The flowers of micro clover, though fewer in number than standard clover, provide a food source for important pollinators like bees. Encouraging these beneficial insects helps maintain a healthy and biodiverse ecosystem.

Cons of Micro Clover Lawns

Flower Production

While reduced, micro clover does produce flowers, and for those desiring a uniform green lawn, this can be seen as a downside. The blooms may also attract bees, which is great for pollination but can be a concern for those with allergies or small children.

Spreading Nature

Micro clover has a tendency to spread and can invade flower beds and other parts of a garden if not properly managed. This requires periodic edging and other containment methods to maintain a neat lawn.

Cold Sensitivity

In very cold climates, micro clover may not be as hardy as traditional grass species. This could result in a lawn that dies back in harsh winters, leaving bare patches that may need reseeding come spring.

Wear and Tear Resistance

Micro clover lawns may not be as tolerant to heavy foot traffic compared to some hardier grasses. For areas with lots of activity, such as children playing or frequent entertaining, micro clover may show signs of wear more quickly.

Mixed Reception on Aesthetics

Although many appreciate the look of a micro clover lawn, it's not for everyone. Some find the look of clover less formally attractive compared to traditional turfgrass, and it may not align with certain landscaping aesthetics.

Potential for Stains

The flowers and stems of micro clover, if not mown regularly, can lead to stains on clothing and outdoor furniture, which is something to consider if the lawn is used as a space for playing or lounging.


A micro clover lawn can be a fantastic addition to your property for its ecological benefits, low-maintenance charms, and drought resistance. However, it's important to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks such as sensitivity to cold, a spreading nature, and aesthetics. By considering these pros and cons and aligning them with your personal preferences and lawn requirements, you can determine if a micro clover lawn is the right choice for your outdoor space.

Transforming Your Lawn with Micro Clover

If you've decided to proceed with micro clover, keep in mind that preparation and proper care are key to establishing a successful lawn. It's advisable to consult with a landscaping expert or a local nursery to ensure that your lawn can thrive and you can fully enjoy the environmental and visual benefits of this unique ground cover option.

Remember, a lawn is not just an aesthetic feature, it's a choice that impacts the local ecosystem. Choosing micro clover can be a step towards a more sustainable and delightful gardening experience.

Micro clover lawns are eco-friendly as they require less water, fertilizers, and mowing compared to traditional grass lawns. They promote a lush, green appearance all year round and are resistant to common lawn diseases. Micro clover enriches soil by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Its dense growth suppresses weeds and its deep roots help prevent soil erosion. Additionally, micro clover is drought-tolerant and attracts beneficial pollinators like bees.

Yes, one of the significant advantages of micro clover is its ability to improve soil health naturally. Micro clover is a nitrogen-fixer, which means it can take nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that plants can use. This process reduces the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and helps maintain soil fertility. The deep root system of micro clover also aids in preventing soil compaction and erosion, promoting better water infiltration and soil structure.

Micro clover lawns typically require less maintenance than traditional grass lawns. They need less frequent mowing due to their low-growing nature. They also require significantly less water and fertilizer because micro clover is nitrogen-fixing and drought-resistant. This can lead to savings in time, effort and lawn care costs. However, in mixed grass-clover lawns, the difference in growth rates between the species can lead to unevenness, possibly requiring more frequent mowing to maintain uniformity.

Some potential drawbacks of micro clover lawns include their tendency to attract bees, which could be a concern for those with bee allergies. Micro clover may spread into adjacent flower beds or gardens, requiring some maintenance to control. It can stain clothing more easily than grass, and, when allowed to flower, may not provide the uniform appearance some homeowners desire. Depending on the region, micro clover may also go dormant and turn brown during hot, dry summer months.

Micro clover lawns are generally considered pet-friendly. Clover is soft to the touch, making it comfortable for pets to walk on. The durability of micro clover means it can stand up to pet traffic better than some types of grass. Additionally, since micro clover requires fewer chemicals for maintenance, it's a safer option for pets who spend a lot of time outside. However, pet owners should monitor their lawn for bee activity due to the attractiveness of clover flowers to bees.